Short Stories
Each short piece of fiction below is losely centered around the illustration displayed alongside it
Malibu Dreaming
I remember intense heat. That’s how it begins or at least that is how I remember it beginning, any certainty that I had previously has slowly faded leaving only residual visuals and sensations. Not just summertime hot, but a true scorcher…
Dark Sodden Petals
In darkness she sits. She needs to think, but her mind remains a blank canvas. Patiently she waits for a brush stroke, only one single small helpful half thought to get her started is all she…
A time and place for bricks and bottles
The restless warrior awaits. Discomfort washes over her as she watches things spiral further downward. Rage has been slowly bubbling up inside her with each passing day adding additional fuel to the fire. A part of her wants to feel righteous watching them present themselves in the form that they have always been, but she knows that to be a hollow notion. There is no joy…
The Restrained.
The past often repeats in new forms. Long ago, the sorcerers of old wielded magic…
‘Tis the Season.
The holidays can oftentimes be a little too much for me. Though, it is a time of intense lights and sounds that are meant to brighten and uplight spirits, sometimes it can have the opposite effect; shining a spotlight…
Stare Down
It had been a long day. A day more unpredictable than that of the ever changing gusts of wind that plagued the rundown streets of this city…
Constant Obscurity
The wind howls for more. Blowing past from the east, I hear its voice just as clearly as I would hear my own…
Moonlit Terrors
Nothing escapes the raven's sight. These creatures of the night to which darkness was no obstacle are what the homunculi fear the most…
Fiammetta, A Single Spark Shy of Brilliance
Fiammetta, A Single Spark Shy of Brilliance. A very specific sequence of sounds ran through her mind for the upteenth time, a constant presence for long enough that she could hardly remember a time before: Tap, scratch, whoosh. Oh, what she would give…
Selene, Vision of the Shadow Priestess
Just as quickly as dusk had bloomed into night, so too did the demeanor of her two guides morph into troubling grimaces. While the two proceeded to stamp out the remaining embers from the once roaring fire…
Weeping Willow Wyvern, Stealth Check.
“Just leave it to me,” I spoke with confidence as I muscled my way past through the large doors before anyone from the party could form a rebuttal. Once I had slipped inside though, that confidence took a nosedive. I quickly realized that the expansive room beyond was far too dark…
Midnight Cackle
The occasional twig snapped loudly beneath my feet. With every step forward, the sack which rests on my shoulders seemingly gained another pound. It wouldn’t be much longer before the weight becomes more than I can…
Minerva, Scourge of the Smokestacks
Within a tall, glass covered office building, a burly man taps out a rushed rhythm while awaiting a report. Frantically flipping through mountainous stacks of paper, an array of subordinates search for something to satisfy their boss’s appetite. All except for one, who gently cleared their throat before reading…
Tunnel Saint’s Warpick
Crafted to last a lifetime. A tool forged for the mines, designed to break ore and hammer downt massive railway lines laid out throughout the massive caverns underneath the capital. Magnetism radiates along its axis, aiding in the acquisition and collection of valuable resources. Immensely heavy, only the strongest can manage a full swing, but if the user is strong enough…
Flail of Penitence
A kingdom by the sea long lost to time was once home to an inseparable pair of brothers. Though they were heirs to the throne, they forged their names on the rough streets that would one day become their charge. But one day, when the older of the pair claimed the throne…
Reflection: The Ancient One
A pull followed by a twist. The familiar motion is done without any conscious thought. Hot water quickly envelops me, forming a soothing cocoon from which I never truly wish to emerge. And yet, there are things that must be done. Eventually, I pry myself free and lazily dry off before approaching the mirror that hangs behind the sink. A quick swipe reveals my reflection.
I tried to gasp, but remained silent, bound in fear…
Beacon Above THE DEEP
A strong slap of ocean spray rouses me from my short respite. Slowly settling back into reality, I find rest has done little to improve my overall wellbeing. Truthfully, I can no longer gauge how long I managed to find sleep; mere seconds or hours, either way, I wished for more. But no matter what I try, sleep evades me as the persistent sun and ocean collude against my best efforts…
Catalina, Righteous Intuition.
*** Part #2 continuation of Sybil, Premonition of the Hellion ***
Disconcerted. It was the closest word she felt fit the growing feeling that had slowly taken residence within her gut. A week had passed since its stay began, growing stronger each day. It had taken Catalina awhile to nail down the right word for the feeling, but she had plenty of time for contemplation. These days not much was asked of her. From time to time there was something or someone that needed to be dealt with, but mostly she just stood watch over the shiny gates. She had a suspicion…