The Restrained.
The past often repeats in new forms. Long ago, the sorcerers of old wielded magic without restraint. Back then, sorcerers were often known to disappear into thin air or giant balls of fire as they experimented with the unknown. You see, not much of the structure of magic was known at the time besides what was shared between those gifted with the power to utilize it. The limit to what magic could accomplish felt nonexistent.
As time went on though, those gifted and lucky enough to survive their own experiments became renowned within the arcane community. Individuals began to travel long distances to study at the feet of those notable enough to have gleaned some sort of insight into a particular form of magic. But with notability came power and with power came conflict. Knowledge that would have once been shared freely became highly guarded secrets; invaluable resources, so long as they came at a great cost. It wasn’t long before factions and fractures grew combative. Nuance was lost as disagreements devolved down to a simple us vs them mentality. As tensions flared, violence and destruction followed; countless lives lost over what might have amounted to grains of sand compared to the knowledge of today.
Resisting this time of suppression, a new group of sorcerers garnered the spotlight of the community. Within their ranks, there were no secrets. Fearing a movement against them, a coalition was hastily formed between other factions, the existence of which was unknown to the masses. Those that had gained power through their knowledge banks would not give up their control so easily.
In a bid to quell the surmounting pressure of a possible upheaval, this new group was falsely labeled as dangerous, the magic they possessed was dark and evil. Rounded up like cattle, magical chains were forged to disrupt the magic of any disadents. An example was made of them to prevent the possibility of change to the status quo. The brilliant sparks of a better future snuffed out for controllable, continual gains.