Stare Down

It had been a long day.  A day more unpredictable than that of the ever changing gusts of wind that plagued the rundown streets of this city; filled with ups and downs, the latter of which now heavily outweighed any of the initial positives.  Her day had begun uncharacteristically upbeat with the simple hope of spending the day at home with her sister and a modest celebratory cake.  It had seemed like such a small desire that the possibility for it not to take place had seemed almost unthinkable.  Now that hope of hers had all but faded away like ashes slowly disappearing in the wind.

The simple fact was she had run out of ideas.  It was as if her sister had vanished into thin air.  She had no choice but to accept the aid of the annoying know-it-all relic her sister had discovered.  

“You know you really should have-” It began.

She shot back with an intense look.   It never failed to snatch up an opportunity to grate on her nerves.  A floating head filled with boundless knowledge and yet somehow countless more derision and sarcasm for those deemed unworthy of its wisdom.  High and mighty is it who has lived on for centuries and yet had been unable to use their magic eyes to see what had happened to her sister.  The distaste was mutual.  The animosity in the air between them felt almost visible; a power source that if harnessed could potentially rival that of any known alternative.  It would take a tectonic shift to change their frosty dispositions.

Dark, slow falling precipitation interrupted their exchange.

Scanning for a source, they found themselves beneath an audience of three.  Watchers.  The eyes in the sky solely designed to spy on the lowest tiers of this city.  The bevy of midnight black ravens cawed and cackled as if amused by the pair, sending another shower of feathers raining downward.  It would have made her blood boil over if not for the coalescence of an idea sparked by the sight of them.  Perhaps a slim chance of hope still endured.


‘Tis the Season. 


Constant Obscurity