Short Stories

Each short piece of fiction below is losely centered around the illustration displayed alongside it

Dave . Dave .

Sybil, Premonition of the Hellion

Time could be a funny thing within this domain. For the denizens of this section of the infernal plains, days could often slip by as if they only existed within that of a single blink of an eye. For others, usually those burdened to extreme monotony or duress, it was the inverse as a single day could stretch out near limitlessly; time losing all meaning as their reality melted into a malleable substance easily controlled by those at the top of the food chain. While she was certainly not a big fish, within the murky waters of this fluidity of time, Sybil thrived…

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Dave . Dave .

Punch Bowl Penny

It was a dark and stormy night and while I would have liked to have been at any one of the many parties tonight, instead I was spending Halloween traipsing through a damp, abandoned building. This was the consequence of being friends with Zoe. Apparently, it was too perfect of a night to waste it doing anything other than delving into the supernatural. She was the type to poke the bear and see what happened…

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Dave . Dave .

BFFs Never Die

In these parts, the water was mostly always calm and without any waves or ripples stray from the occasional animal. Today was a particularly quiet evening though terrors lurked underneath the surface. Right now, only Clio’s old, small single engine vessel, that could at best only crawl around at a snail's pace, caused a faint disturbance. It was a sad sight. The wood of its hull was worn; once bright red lettering faded into indecipherability. But, it had been all she could afford for her once desperate search…

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Dave . Dave .

Deceitful Deadeye

It was a scorcher. Honestly… it was beyond scorchingly hot. An inescapable dryness seemed to radiate off of the surrounding concrete buildings, amplifying the sun’s intense potency. Wiping the sweat from her brow, Annie cursed under her breath at the fiery ball high in the sky. Unconcerned with her plight, it cast its harsh judgment down…

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Dave . Dave .

Tarnished Crest

Within your walls, it waits. A creeping rot slowly collecting just below the surface, ticking away like a silent time bomb. Try as you might to strip away the wallpaper or punch holes through the drywall, it cannot be diffused. It is a dark entity that swims in the shadows throughout the halls of your family’s home…

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Dave . Dave .

Forgotten, “Lucky” Number Thirteen

When it was all over, after the sounds of sirens wailing in the distance became that but of a faint memory, people told her how she should feel. They told her that it was normal to feel upset, maybe even as if some piece of her had been lost. After what she and the town as a whole had been through this past month, recovery and most certainly change was an inevitability. And yet… she didn’t feel all that different; everyone else certainly did.

Upon her eventual return, she became a pariah…

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Dave . Dave .

Carry on, Georgie

I take another step forward, but find harsh resistance when I try to lift my leg back up. Mud. Another day, another indignity. This slog was without an end. At least, that’s how it feels at times when this goal of mine is nowhere to be seen. But then again… shouldn’t the journey be part of the fun along the way. Day by day, I’m not so sure…

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Dave . Dave .

Green with Eternal Malice

I cannot escape from its sight; that color, once the most beautiful shade of green that my eyes had ever laid upon, now haunts my every waking moment. From my confinement, it is an always present fixture of my vision. Unable to look away, it forever taunts me. A delicious sweet held just outside of the reach of my outstretched hand. A twisted mockery…

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Dave . Dave .

Curse Thy Name

A silence descended slowly like gentle snowflakes on an early winter morning. Gradually, it built into an impenetrable force as shadows coalesced around the base of an old oak tree from which I had been restrained. Fear held me close…

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Dave . Dave .

Morning Cup of Darkness

A man walks within shadows. There is a rhythm to his stride, a swagger in the way in which he carries himself as he slowly enters into the center of a bright light. Within him lies a boundless insight, allowing him to delve into the depths of the shadows…

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Dave . Dave .

Through the Crystalline Window, Part 2

Tumbling forward to soften the impact of her leap, Amirah hurriedly caught herself before her head could collide with the railing. Quickly righting herself, a clock began counting down. Even if no one had seen her escape from the party above, eventually someone was sure to notice the absence of a known aristocrat. Peering through the doorway leading back inside the building, Amirah found…

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Dave . Dave .

Season’s Greetings: Naughty or Nice

A renewed gust whirled; stiff and bitter, prompting Brynhildr to pull her scarf up higher as she walked along the forest path toward the main building of the compound. The adjustment made minimal difference to combat the harshness of winter. Nonetheless, the movement helped to calm her nerves.

Why am I nervous? She pondered the question…

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Dave . Dave .

Through the Crystalline Window

Calm and concentrated, Amirah sat motionless.  The smell of burning incense swirled into her spot at the center of the circle and it stirred a memory within her.  A cold breeze followed, running down her exposed back.  She knew what failure this time would mean.  The air tingled with a concentrated electricity that fueled an unnatural energy into her body; not wholly unlike a rush of adrenaline…

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Dave . Dave .

The Hellhound

The hellhound retraced its steps. Its nose slowly alternated between the damp ground and cold air as it searched, desiring a certain familiar scent. The slightest whiff would be enough. A single scent and the hound would be off for the races. Legs tensing up at each unique odor, the air was unfortunately rife with too many smells, overloading its senses with data. Spinning this way and that, only one faint scent stood out.

Desiring to run, it lept into action…

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Dave . Dave .

Cursed Two-fold

A lone warrior stalks through a forest of trees much taller than giants. A low hanging mist obscures the canopy, creating an illusion that the surrounding trees lacked a tangible end to their upward growth. Each footstep forward was placed with the practiced precision of an experienced hunter, marred only by the sheer number of seasons under his belt. The color of his beard likely granted him enough sensibility to know…

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Dave . Dave .

Spirit Scuffle

A storm threatened to burst overhead as I pedaled faster, my bike’s frame rattling with every pebble and branch swallowed underneath. Excitement grew within me as I neared the pavilion that sat at the center of the park’s clearing.

To my surprise as I ducked under the overhang…

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Dave . Dave .

Samara, Inconceivable Arbiter

“I’m sorry, it’s just… There is no precedent for a living Arbiter in modern times. It’s just been used as a posthumous award, not meant for anyone to actually use any of the real power that is still tied to the position. So, I can’t possibly support that.” The man laughed nervously, gesturing to those around to illustrate that he wasn’t the only one who felt that way. “Hah, ha-ha. Amusing, but complete foolishness.” None of them signaled that he was incorrect in his dismissive assessment.

As the current group of dignitaries surrounding her dissolved, Samara was left alone to flounder in the harsh, open waters of the city hall’s expansive ballroom while her motivation to approach another group quickly drained away…

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Dave . Dave .

Sacrifice in the name of Transcendence 

Ever since she was a child, Jade always knew she wanted to create music. Though, the word wanted doesn’t quite illustrate just how deeply rooted her passion ran. Even saying something such as she had a ravenous desire, only paints a somewhat clearer picture, but in actuality… It was more than that. You see, for her it was more than just a life goal. Striving to improve in every waking moment of her conscious existence was everything…

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Dave . Dave .

Forever Undead Girl

I awake in darkness. Panic grips me with rough, calloused hands. Choking, I blindly feel around for a way out or something to reveal my location, only finding harsh resistance in every direction. Where? What? How? My desperation intensifies, fists lashing out at my confinement until I grow fatigued. As feeling slowly returns…

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Dave . Dave .

Lucienne, Late Night Snack

My stomach rumbled, exacerbating my current situation. Disastrous times these were. Oh, what serious woes had befallen this poor, hard working member of society. Missing multiple meals just to pursue a task that had, yet again, ended fruitlessly. Not to mention…

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