Sacrifice in the name of Transcendence 

Ever since she was a child, Jade always knew she wanted to create music.  Though, the word wanted doesn’t quite illustrate just how deeply rooted her passion ran.  Even saying something such as she had a ravenous desire, only paints a somewhat clearer picture, but in actuality… It was more than that.  You see, for her it was more than just a life goal.  Striving to improve in every waking moment of her conscious existence was everything to her.   Fanatical beyond the level of the devoutly religious, her fans admired her in much the same way that she viewed each new composition.  But, critical acclaim and appeal to the masses were not her ultimate goals.  Her deepest desire was to formulate some sort of intrinsically pure sound that could transcend what people thought music could be.  But, this goal remained elusive and so as her experimentation continued, she grew more reclusive; releasing less and less music.  Though, the more mysterious and eccentric she became, the larger her legend grew to unthinkable heights.  

But as with everything in life, one’s time is finite.  Jade slowly grew tired, unable to work as diligently as she once could.  The creeping, naggingly irritating possibility that she wouldn’t reach the summit she had dreamt of conquering was unacceptable.  She required more than what her given flesh could manage.  To reach beyond her body’s limitations, Jade delved in the emerging transhumanism movement.  A slippery slope that she felt absolutely necessary.  What started as small, cautiously implemented body modifications quickly shifted into highly experimental replacements of everything including her core vital systems.  Before long, it was hard to tell what remained of her humanity.  And yet still, her research was not complete.  WIthout hesitation, Jade drained all of her remaining resources in a last ditch effort to finish her ambitions and create the impossible.  Sacrificing everything that was left of her for music, she wouldn’t have it any other way.  


Samara, Inconceivable Arbiter


Forever Undead Girl