Green with Eternal Malice

I cannot escape from its sight; that color, once the most beautiful shade of green that my eyes had ever laid upon, now haunts my every waking moment.  From my confinement, it is an always present fixture of my vision.  Unable to look away, it forever taunts me.  A delicious sweet held just outside of the reach of my outstretched hand.   A twisted mockery of our ways has become the fate dolled out by these cretins.  Descending from the stars, they came to claim our home as their property.  Greedily, they ripped this planet apart, bearing claws and sharp scales stronger than we could combat.  And thus we became a shiny, green gem for their collection.  

Now, what was the name of this shade of green again?  

Oh right… Celadon.  A very pale, demure shade of green.  They told us it had to do with the way that rays of sunlight bounced off of the mixture of gasses within the atmosphere.  A rare sight for them and that was enough for our home to become something that they desired. But to us, it was a color symbolizing life.  

Oh, how I wish to walk on its surface once more.  To step through the shallow waters surrounded by its bountiful nature and feel the brush of reeds and gentle tickle of insects one last time before being laid to rest in the way of our ancestors.  To be granted the privilege in death to watch over those that follow.  Now… an unobtainable fate.  I have been within my new confinements longer than that colorful planet had been my home.   What remains of it… I likely wouldn’t even recognize it anymore.  Stretched out without an end in sight, time no longer exists within any sort of quantitative measurement for me.  All that remains of me is but the simplest of emotions.  Emotions that share a common vein with my captors.  A beautiful shade of green hiding dark intentions forever waiting for sweet release from this torment. 


Carry on, Georgie


Curse Thy Name